Monday, August 27, 2012

#138 - Exercise on assorted medical subjects

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to compare the choices


1. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - NERVES may contain __ fibres. a) motor b) secretory c) sensory d) any or all Ans.

2. ANATOMY - PACINIAN CORPUSCLES , we have in our a) arteries b) brain c) chest d) skin Ans.

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - SERTRALINE found some use as a) antihistamine b) anticoagulant c) antidepressant d) antihypertension drug Ans.

4. CARDIOLOGY - COR PULMONALE is enlargement of a) left auricle b) right auricle c) left ventricle d) right ventricle Ans.

5. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - abnormal displacement of walls separating two chambers of an organ: a) dyskinesia b) distension c) deviated septum d) embolism Ans.

6. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - COR PULMONALE may arise from a) residing in high altitude mountains b) residing in low altitude meadows c) residing on sea shore d) residing in polar regions Ans.

7. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HEART FAILURE (HF) is a/an a) disease b) incontinence c) malignancy d) syndrome Ans.

8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MONGE'S DISEASE may arise from a) residing in high altitude mountains b) residing in low altitude meadows c) residing on sea shore d) residing in polar regions Ans.

9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PANCREATIC CANCER may be a result of a) diabetes b) smoking c) either or both d) none Ans.

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PULMONARY HYPERTENSION may arise from a) residing in high altitude mountains b) residing in low altitude meadows c) residing on sea shore d) residing in polar regions Ans.

11. PHARMACOLOGY - LITHANE is the trade name of a) lithium b) lithium oxide c) lithium carbonate d) lithium hydroxide Ans.

12. PHARMACOLOGY - LITHIUM CARBONATE, though TOXIC, found use in treating a) blood clotting b) anemia c) mania d) tumors Ans.

13. PHARMACOLOGY - TANNIC ACID acts as a) antacid b) astringent c) abortifacient d) anticonvulsant Ans.

14. PHARMACOLOGY - VALIUM finds use as a) antianxiolytic drug b) nerve stimulant c) expectorant d) antacid Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - ZOLOFT is the trade name of a) praline b) sertraline c) glyoxaline d) norepinephrine Ans.

16. PHYSIOLOGY - ACETYLCHOLINE a) transmits neural signals b) converts starches into disaccharide maltose c) digests proteins d) breaks up fats Ans.

17. PHYSIOLOGY - BACTERIA (benign) in GASTRO INTESTINAL TRACT digest a) carbohydrates b) proteins c) fats d) all Ans.

18. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound to prevent infection and promote healing: a) laparotomy b) debridement c) debridgement d) cauterization Ans.

19. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - uvulopalatopharyngoplasty seems to have partial success in reducing a) snoring b) spitting c) sneezing d) vomiting Ans.

20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - VAGOTOMY takes place at a) brain b) chest c) stomach d) hips and thigh Ans.