Sunday, August 26, 2012

#137 - Exercise on assorted medical subjects

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to compare the choices


1. ANATOMY - JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS is in a) brain b) lungs c) chest d) kidneys Ans: .

2. ANATOMY - MEIBOMIAN GLANDS we have in our a) eyes b) ears c) nose d) throat Ans: .

3. ANATOMY - PULMONARY VALVE is in a) left auricle b) right auricle c) left ventricle d) right ventricle Ans: .

4. ANATOMY - SUPRARENAL GLANDS are commonly known as a) adrenal glands b) Bartholin's glands c) Cowper's glands d) Meibomian glands Ans: .

5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CYPROHEPTADINE finds use as a) anticoagulant drug b) antihistamine drug c) antidepressant drug d) antiarryhthmic drug Ans: .

6. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE finds use as a) anticoagulant drug b) antihistamine drug c) antidepressant drug d) antihypertension drug Ans: .

7. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - intravenous injection of fibrinogen may become necessary a) when blood does not clot b) when blood clots c) when there is a deficiency of antibodies d) when there is an autoimmune reaction Ans: .

8. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - margin between control and toxic side-effects is said to be narrow in case of long term a) lithium treatment b) insulin shock treatment c) metrazol shock treatment d) antiretrival therapy Ans:.^

9. OPHTHALMOLOGY - MEIBOMIAN GLANDS are also known as a) lacrimal glands b) apocrines gland c) tear glands d) tarsal glands Ans: .

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - EXCESS USE OF COX2 INHIBITORS may lead to a) increased renal blood flow b) reduced renal blood flow c) unchanged renal blood flow d) Cox2 inhibition has nothing to do with renal blood flow Ans: .

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - RICKETTSIAL INFECTIONS are caused by a) deficiency of vitamin D b) bacteria, ticks and mice c) both d) neither Ans: .

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - WATERBRASH may be a symptom of a) pulmonary infection b) indigestion or duodenal ulcer c) hydronephrosis d) hydrocephaly Ans: .

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - WATERHAMMER-PULSE may arise from an incompetent __ valve. a) aortic valve b) left atroventricular valves c) right atroventricular valve d) ileocecal valve Ans: .

14. PHARMACOLOGY - ESIDRIX is the trade name of a) hydrochlorothiazide b) hydroflumethiazide c) trichlormethiazide d) chlorothiazide Ans: .

15. PHARMACOLOGY - HYDRODIURIL is the trade name of a) hydrochlorothiazide b) hydroflumethiazide c) trichlormethiazide d) chlorothiazide Ans: .

16. PHARMACOLOGY - __ is said to inhibit effects of androgens at receptor level a) cyproterone acetate b) cyproheptadine c) tranylcypromine d) minocycline Ans: .

17. PHARMACOLOGY - MICROZIDE is the trade name of a) hydrochlorothiazide b) hydroflumethiazide c) trichlormethiazide d) chlorothiazide Ans: .

18. PHARMACOLOGY - NAQUA is the trade name of a) hydrochlorothiazide b) hydroflumethiazide c) trichlormethiazide d) chlorothiazide Ans: .

19. PHARMACOLOGY - PERIACTINE is the trade name of a) cyproterone acetate b) cyproheptadine c) tranylcypromine d) minocycline Ans: .

20. PHYSIOLOGY - CLIMACTERIC in males is __ in females. a) menarche b) menstruation c) menopause d) mensuration Ans: .