Sunday, August 26, 2012

#136 - Exercise on assorted medical subjects

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to compare the choices.

1. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ASTHMA CONTROL - LONG ACTING BETA AGONIST INHALERS are to be taken with a) inhaled corticosteroids b) oral corticosteroids c) non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) d) leukotriene modifiers Ans : .

2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CHELATION THERAPY aims to a) replenish metals lost by body b) remove metal overloads from body c) insert drugs into respiratory track d) remove impurities from respiratory track Ans : .

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - INFLATION THERAPY envisages a) replenishing metals lost by body b) removing metal overloads from body c) inserting drugs/water/oxygen into respiratory track through inhalation d) remove impurities from respiratory track Ans : .

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - NIACIN seems to a) raise triglycerides b) lower tglycerides c) ignore tg Ans : .

5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ___ treatment is an effective therapy for OSTEOPOROSIS among POST MENOPAUSE WOMEN. a) fibrinogen b) chromogen c) tripsinogen d) estrogen Ans : .

6. DIAGNOSTICS - BLOOD PRESSURE - during SYSTOLE blood pressure in __ . a) bp in arteries increases b) bp in arteries falls c) bp in veins increases d) bp in veins falls Ans : .

7. DIAGNOSTICS - BLOOD PRESSURE - during SYSTOLE __ contracts. a) left auricle b) right auricle c) left ventricle d) right ventricle Ans : .

8. DIETARY THERAPEUTICS - DIETARY SOY is a good REMEDY FOR OSTEOPOROSIS. a) true b) false c) yet to be proved d) proved, but is awaiting formal confirmation from FDA. Ans : .

9. OSTEOLOGY - cell that functions in the breakdown and resorption of bone tissue a) osteoblast b) osteoclast c) osteocyte d) proteoglycans Ans : .

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - DISEASES OF BONE - AXIAL OSTEOMALACIA is found mostly in a) infants and children b) adolescents and youth c) pregnant women d) middle-aged and elderly males Ans : .

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - DISEASES OF BONE - bone of a limb, resembling a melted-wax-dripping-down-the-candle and causing much pain a) melorheostosis b) osteopoikilosis c) hypophosphatasia d) osteosclerosis Ans : .

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - DISEASES OF BONE - MELORHEOSTOSIS is a) acquired b) inherited c) autoimmune d) metabolic Ans : .

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - DISEASES OF BONE - MELORHEOSTOSIS treatment and cure : a) oral medication b) radiotherapy c) surgeries d) no known treatment, presumably incurable. Ans : .

14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - DISEASES OF BONE - OSTEOMALACIA may arise from deficiency of a) calcium b) vitamin D c) phosphorus d) any or all Ans : .

15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) is a progressive disease of a) brain and spine b) lungs and heart c) liver and spleen d) kidneys and adrenal gland Ans : .

16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) is relatively rare in a) children b) adolescents c) youth below 40 d) aged persons above 50 Ans : .

17. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PORTAL VEIN THROMBOSIS affects a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) liver Ans : .

18. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - SINUSOIDAL OBSTRUCTION SYNDROME affects a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) liver Ans : .

19. PHARMACOLOGY - OPOIDS come with the side effect of a) constipation b) laxation c) dilation d) cardiac murmurs Ans : .

20. PHYTOESTROGEN DIETARY THERAPY - PHYTOESTROGENS are believed to reduce the risk of a) breast cancer b) colon cancer c) lung cancer d) trophoblastic cancer Ans : .