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1. ANATOMY - SAPHENOUS NERVE , we have in our a) brain b) shoulders c) legs d) abdomen Ans.
2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - an EFFECTIVE PHYSICIAN needs KNOWLEDGE and a) experience b) intuition c) judgement d) all Ans.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CURE FOR AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (ALS) : a) antibiotics, ivfluids, steroids b) chemo and radio therapy c) surgeries d) no known cure Ans.
4. CARDIOLOGY - VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECTs may arise from a HOLE between a) two auricle walls b) two ventricle walls c) auricle and ventricle walls d) ventricle and lungs walls Ans.
5. DERMATOLOGY - a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip) is : a) angioedema b) urticaria c) wheal d) wart Ans.
6. GASTROENTEROLOGY - extreme acidity of gastric juice may erode a) pancreas b) liver c) spleen d) stomach Ans.
7. HIV VIRUS - ___ is the only absolutely sure way to prevent sexual transmission of HIV. a) abstinence b) using condoms c) not using injection drugs d) not sharing needles and syringes Ans.
8. IMMUNOLOGY - persons with CD4 lymphocyte counts of less than 350 a) may have strong immunity system b) may have a weak immunity system c) are more prone to autoimmune diseases d) b and c Ans.
9. PATHOLOGY - eating rye BREAD infected with fungus, claviceps purpurea may lead to a) salicylate poisoning b) ergot poisoning c) lye poisoning d) mushroom poisoning Ans.
10. PATHOLOGY - which of the following is NOT true of ASYMPTOMATIC HIV INFECTIONS? persons with asymptomatic infection ___ a) DO NOT pass on HIV virus to others b) will progress to symptomatic infection c) will be subject to opportunistic infections d) will need antiretroviral therapy Ans.
11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (ALS) is a) acquired b) inherited c) autoimmune d) idiopathic Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may usually develop in a) infancy b) adolescence c) youth d) old age Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (ALS) stems from death/degeneration of nerve cells in a) arteries b) brain c) chest d) hips and thigh Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ANEURYSMS (sac like widening of arteries owing to weakness of artery-walls) can lead to erosion of __ in neighborhood. a) other arteries b) veins c) bones d) muscle tissue Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - INABILITY TO CONTROL CRYING / LAUGHING may be called a) emotional incontinence b) overflow incontinence c) stress incontinence d) urge incontinence Ans.
16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - URTICARIA affects a) urinary bladder b) skin c) kidneys d) rectum Ans.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - ERGOTAMINE TARTRATE though risky, found some application in treatment of a) malaria b) manic depressive psychosis c) migraines d) mitral stenosis Ans.
18. PHYSIOLOGY - INGESTION is another name for a) infusion b) injection c) eating d) infarction Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - sudden escape of gas or of portions of half-digested food from stomach up into mouth a) erection b) retromotion c) eructation d) eruption Ans.
20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - PUMPING AIR STRAIGHT INTO TRACHEA is a) tracheotomy or tracheostomy b) rhinoplasty c) rhinoscopy d) rhinotomy Ans.