Monday, August 27, 2012

#139 - Exercise on assorted medical subjects

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to compare the choices


1. ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY of NEUROLOGY - chemicals used by neurons for transmission of messages : a) gaba b) neurotransmitters c) neuromotor secretions d) monoamine neurotransmitters Ans.

2. ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY of NEUROLOGY - JUNCTION at which a NEURON communicates with its TARGET CELL a) neurotransmitter b) synapse c) gaba d) inhibitory neurotransmitter Ans.

3. ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY of NEUROLOGY - NEURONs transmit messages to TARGET CELLS, which can be a) another neuron b) secretory cells c) special regions in muscles d) any of these Ans.

4. ANATOMY - FACIAL CANAL INTROITUS is an ENTRANCE into __ of skull. a) temporal bone b) vomer (bone behind nose) c) occipital bone d) ethmoid bone Ans.

5. ANATOMY - FACIAL NERVE is a) motor b) secretory c) sensory d) vasodilator Ans.

6. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - DICLOFENAC POTASSIUM finds some use as a) antiinflammatory drug b) sedative drug c) antihipertension drug d) virility drug Ans.

7. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - FAHR SYNDROME is cured by a) antibiotics and iv fluids b) radio and shock therapies c) surgeries d) cure is yet to be found Ans.

8. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - GABAPENTIN finds some use as a) anticonvulsant drug b) antidepressant drug c) antihistamine drug d) antipyretic drug Ans.

9. COSMETIC SURGERIES - redressing WRINKLES and LOOSESKIN, the procedure FACELIFT needs a) general anesthesia b) local anesthesia c) either depending on the complexity d) no anesthesia Ans.

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - bulk of PROSTATE CANCERS are a) adenocarcenomas b) adenomas c) fibroadenomas d) lymphadenomas Ans.

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - FAHR Syndrome affects a) aorta b) brain c) chest d) duodenum Ans.

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - FAHR SYNDROME is a) acquired b) autoimmune c) inherited d) metabolic Ans.

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MUNCHAUSEN's SYNDROME is old name for a) fabricated and induced illness b) manic depressive illness c) persian gulf illness d) catastrophic illness Ans.

14. PHARMACLOGY - which of the following is an ANTIBACTERIAL drug? a) dicyclomine bromide b) diclofenac potassium c) diclofenac sodium d) dicloxacillin Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - CATAFLAM is the trade name of a) dicyclomine bromide b) diclofenac potassium c) diclofenac sodium d) dicloxacillin Ans.

16. PHARMACOLOGY - DEXAMETHASONE's side effect a) sleeplessness b) drowsiness c) hypertension d) occasional synopes Ans.

17. PHARMACOLOGY - NEURONTIN is the trade name of a) gabapentin b) nortriptyline c) carbamazepine d) dexamethasone Ans.

18. PHARMACOLOGY - SAMARIUM 153 is an example of a) radiopharmaceutical b) orpoid pharmaceutical c) psychopharmaceutical d) toxicopharmaceutical Ans.

19. PHARMACOLOGY - VOLTAREN is the trade name of a) dicyclomine bromide b) diclofenac potassium c) diclofenac sodium d) dicloxacillin Ans.

20. PHARMACOLOGY - which of the following is reported as LESS HABIT-FORMING ? a) methadone b) morphine c) oxycodone d) hydromorphone Ans.