Monday, October 29, 2012

#152 Assorted MCQs on Medical Terms

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to compare the choices.

1. APPLIED THERAPEUTCS - GOLD THERAPY (CHRYSOTHERAPY) is said to be useful in treating a) rheumatoid arthritis b) peripheral arteritis c) renal lithiasis d) respiratory acidosis Ans.

2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CHRYSOTHERAPY makes use of a) low temperatures b) gold c) flowers d) radio active substances Ans.

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - DIAZOXIDE finds some usage as a/an a) anticoagulant b) antihypertension drug c) antihypotensive drug d) vasoconstrictor Ans.

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - PHERESIS is a procedure associated with a) chemotherapy b) dialysis c) abortion d) biopsy Ans.

5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - PRAZOSIN finds some use as a/an a) anticoagulant b) antihypertension drug c) antihypotension drug d) vasoconstrictor Ans.

6. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - THALIDOMIDES should not be taken by a) leprosy patients b) cancer patients c) pregnant ladies d) HIV patients Ans.

7. DIABETOLOGY - RESISTIN is a hormone which is believed to a) support insulin b) act against insulin c) glucose absorption d) support trypsin and insulin Ans.

8. IMMUNOLOGY - ALBERT SABIN developed VACCINE against a) anthrax b) malaria c) polio d) small pox Ans.

9. IMMUNOLOGY - HAY FEVER VACCINE is made from a) laboratory rabbits b) pollen from grasses c) bordetella d) serum of affected patients Ans.

10. OTOLOGY - AURICULAR CELLULITIS usually results in inflammation of skin over a) external ear b) middle ear c) inner ear d) mastoid of temporal bone Ans.

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ACIDITY IN BLOOD can go up when there is a) increased gas exchange in lungs b) reduced gas exchange in lungs c) increased secretion of HCL in stomach d) excess excretion of sodium in kidneys Ans.

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - FEBRY'S DISEASE though theoretically can affect brain, heart and skin, is mainly a a disorder of __. a) liver b) pancreas c) kidneys d) jejunum Ans.

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - FISH ORDER SYNDROME (body odor resembling the smell of rotting fish) is due to excretion in breath/sweat/urine of a) trimethylamine b) amphetamine c) catecholamine d) tyramine Ans.

14. PHARMACOLOGY - DIAZOXIDE, as a side effect, may cause a) hypoglycemia b) hyperglycemia c) hypertension d) toxemia Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - HYPERSTAT is the trade name of a) diazonium b) diazoxide c) diazepam d) valium Ans.

16. PHARMACOLOGY - MINIPRESS is the trade name of a) prednisone b) prednisolone c) prazosin d) primidone Ans.

17. PHARMACOLOGY - MOST WIDELY ABUSED DRUG IN THE WORLD a) barbiturates b) benzodiazepines c) ethanol d) doriden Ans..

18. PHARMACOLOGY - SODIUM THIOPENTAL, found some usage as a/an a) anticoagulant b) suppressant c) sedative d) antidiabetic Ans.

19. PHYSIOLOGY - RESIDUAL VOLUME refers to LEFT OUT a) air in lungs b) food in intestines c) urine in bladder d) glucose in blood Ans.

20. VIROLOGY - which of the following are not true about REOVIRUSES ? : a) double-stranded b) three serotypes c) do not infect humans d) they are non-arboviruses. Ans.