Sunday, October 07, 2012

#148 20 assorted mcqs on MEDICAL TERMS

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1. ABBREVIATIONS : GINA in UNITED STATES is concerned with a) gastro intestinal tract b) genetic information c) global immunisations d) glomrular infections Ans.

2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - AMANTADINE is EXCRETION takes place in a) lungs b) liver c) small intestines d) kidneys Ans.

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - RIMANTADINE found some use as a) antibacterial b) antifungal c) antiviral d) antihistamine Ans.

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - RIMANTADINE found some use in treating a) indigestion b) influenza B c) itching d) influenza A Ans.

5. DIAGNOSTICS - HOME TESTING BY PATIENTS - seems to be common in case of a) angina b) diabetes c) pulmonary emphesyma d) jaundice Ans.

6. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY -- EWING'S TUMOR affects a) brain tissues b) bone marrow c) backbone d) buccal cavity Ans.

7. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Granulomatosis infantiseptica is a) bacterial b) fungal c) viral d) chromosomal Ans.

8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HEPATOMA, a malignant tumor of LIVER is more common among a) children b) men c) pregnant women d) elderly women Ans.

9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HERPANGINA, affects a) eyes b) ears c) throat d) chest Ans.

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HERPANGINA (symptom: sores in throat), is a) bacterial b) fungal c) autoimmunal d) viral Ans.

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE is a) neonatal hereditary disease b) late onset genetic disease c) acquired disease d) infectitious Ans.

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE may lead to a) pulmonary emphysema b) monostotic fibrous dysplasia c) dementia d) dysarthria Ans.

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY -- OSTEO SARCOMA mainly affects a) children and young adults b) pregnant women c) elderly men d) elderly women Ans.

14.PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PAGET'S DISEASE affects a) brain b) back c) bone d) gonads Ans.

15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - TYMPANITES affects a) abdomen b) brain c) chest d) ear Ans.

16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - TYPE B COXSACKIE VIRUS may cause a) herpangina b) pleurodynia c) cranial arteritis d) peripheral arteritis Ans.

17. PHARMACOLOGY - PROBENECID is said to aid in EXCRETION of a) prussic acid b) pectic acid c) uric acid d) hydrochloric acid Ans.

18. PHARMACOLOGY - RELENZA is the trade name of a) amantadine b) rimantadine c) zanamivir d) chloramphenicol Ans.

19. PHYSIOLOGY - BRAIN TISSUES need continuous deliveries of a) adrenaline b) glucose c) amino acids d) thyroid hormones Ans.

20. TULLE GRAS - is used in a) diagnosis b) first aid c) chemo therapy d) shock therapy Ans.