Saturday, August 04, 2012

#099 - Exercise on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology - psychopathology - ophthalmology

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to compare the choices.

1. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - BACITRACIN finds usage as a) antiseptic b) antihistamine c) antidepressant d) diuretic Ans.

2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CYPROHEPTADINE finds usage as a) antacid b) antihistamine c) antidepressant d) diuretic Ans.

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - FLUCLOXACILLIN found some usage in ameliorating a) Parkinsonism b) parosmia c) peritonsillar abscess d) parotitis Ans.

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - FLUTICASONE found some use in ameliorating a) asthma b) aortitis c) achalasia d) constipation Ans.

5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - MANNITOL finds its use as a) anticoagulant b) antidepressant c) diuretic d) bronchodilator Ans.

6. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - TETRABENAZINE found some use in treating a) Huntington's chorea b) Sydenham's chorea c) hypertension d) cirrhosis Ans.

7. APPLIED THEREAPEUTICS - FLURAZEPAM found some use in ameliorating a) asthma b) aortitis c) achalasia d) insomnia Ans.

8. DIAGNOSTICS - a perverted sense of smell ; everything may smell unpleasant : a) parosmia b) paronychia c) pachyonychia d) koilonychia Ans.

9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ATHETOSIS affects a) bones b) lymph c) muscles d) nerves Ans.

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CHOREA is affects a) enzymes b) hormones c) muscles d) nerves Ans.

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - excess fluid in the space between the tissues lining the abdomen and abdominal organs a) ascites b) aortitis c) balanitis d) cheilitis Ans.

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SYSTEM works in a) aorta b) brain c) chest d) abdomen Ans.

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - inflammation of the head of the penis a) ascites b) aortitis c) balanitis d) cheilitis Ans.

14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - TETRAPLEGIA is a/an a) blockage b) haemorrhage c) paralysis d) tumor Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - DALMANE is the trade name of a) diazepam b) flutamide c) flurazepam d) lorazepam Ans.

16. PHARMACOLOGY - OSMITROL is the trade name of a) inositol b) mannitol c) pentaerythritol d) sorbitol Ans.

17. PHARMACOLOGY - PERIACTINE is the trade name of a) cyproheptadine b) grenadine c) aureomycin d) chlortetracycline Ans.

18. SURGICAL HYGIENE - antiseptic fluid used to wash hands: a) chlorhexidine b) cyproheptadine c) grenadine d) chlortetracycline Ans.

19. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - BURR HOLES are circular holes made with drills on a) skull b) shoulder c) spinal vertibrae d) sternum Ans.

20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - EXTERIORIORISATION a) temporarily shifts internal organs to skin b) permanently shifts internal organs to skin c) permanently or temporarily shift the organs to skin d) temporarily shift organs from skin to inside Ans.