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1. ANATOMY - LOWER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER MUSCLE's work is to a) work as semipermeable membrane b) prevent belching c) push food into stomach d) push food from stomach to pancreas Ans.
2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - HBO THERAPY involves use of a) high pressure oxygen b) low pressure oxygen c) appropriately pressured oxygen d) appropriately pressured ozone Ans.
3. DIAGNOSTICS - ITP Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is: a) fall in platelet count b) rise in platelet count c) stagnation of platelet count d) loss of platelets' ability to clot the blood Ans.
4. DIAGNOSTICS - medical name for itching is a) parotitis b) proctitis c) pruritis d) periodontitis Ans.
5. HOSPITALISATION - ISOTONIC SOLUTIONS have same ___ concentration as cells and blood. a) water concentration b) salt concentration c) sugar concentration d) lipid concentration Ans.
6. PATHOLOGY - a CHANCRE is a non-painful ulcer in the first stage of a) AIDS b) gonorrhoea c) genital herpes d) syphilis Ans.
7. PATHOLOGY - ___ are more susceptible to ALCOHOLIC LIVER DISEASE: a) adolescent boys b) adolescent girls c) men d) women Ans.
8. PATHOLOGY - ICTERUS has symptoms similar to a) jaundice b) hyperbilirubinemia c) cirrhosis d) all or any Ans.
9. PATHOLOGY - IDENTIFY THE ODD disease: a) American tripanosomiasis b) chagas disease c) kissing bug d) sickle cell anemia Ans.
10. PATHOLOGY - TYPHUS is also known as a) kissing disease b) jail fever c) gold fever d) Q fever Ans.
11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ACHALASIA affects a) brain and skull b) neck and shoulders c) esophagus and stomach d) liver and spleen Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - BLEEDING ESOPHAGAL VARICES may result from a) alcoholic liver b) adrenal malfunction c) achalasia d) sickle cell anemia Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CHARCOT-MARY-TOOTH DISEASE affects a) arteries b) muscles c) nerves d) fluids Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CHARCOT-MARY-TOOTH DISEASE is a) acquired b) genetic c) autoimmune d) geriatric Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ITP Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura can lead to a) bleeding b) occlusion c) cirrhosis d) cardiac arrhythmia Ans.
16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MELENA (black STOOLS) may arise from a) diabetes mellitus b) gastrointestinal bleeding c) kidney failure d) blood clotting Ans.
17. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PORTAL HYPERTENSION is higher blood pressure in a) brain b) heart c) liver d) kidneys Ans.
18. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - stoppage or slowdown in blood/lymph flows is a) siriasis b) stasis c) sclerosis d) stypsis Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - UDP-glucuronosyltransferase is an enzyme secreted by a) pancreas b) liver c) spleen d) pituitary gland Ans.
20. THERAPEUTICS - TREATMENT FOR ANY AILMENT involves a) eradication of infections b) elimination of risk factors c) prevention of possible complications d) all Ans.