Friday, July 27, 2012

#086 -20 MCQ on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology - psychopathology

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ANATOMY - CAECUM is a pouch at the beginning of a) liver b) small intestine c) large intestine d) kidneys Ans.

APPLIED THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY - when gap between effective dose and toxic dose is very narrow, a need arises for a) Government control b) specialist supervision c) electroencephalogram d) use of narcotics Ans.

APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - FLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE found some use as a) anticoagulant b) antidepressant c) sedative d) laxative Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ANORCHIA is absence of ___ at the time of birth. a) both breasts b) both testes (testicles) c) both ear-lobes d) both nostrils Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ATELECTASIS may take place owing to a) dilation of airway b) blockage of airway c) enlargement of air sacs d) perforation in pulmonary vein Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CIRCULATORY DISEASES - disorder characterized by the absence of a pulse in both arms and in the carotid arteries is a) temporal arteritis b) takayasu's arteritis c) polearteritis nodosa d) endarteritis Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MUCUS PLUGS IN AIRWAYS may lead to a) atelectasis b) alveolar ectasia c) lymphangiectasis d) angina pectoris Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PARTIAL COLLAPSE OF LUNGS a) atelectasis b) lymphangiectasis c) bilharziasis d) schistosomiasis Ans.

PATHYPHYSIOLOGY - benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects a) adolescents b) youth c) aged males d) aged females Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY AND APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - DOXEPIN , in spite of side effects, found some use as a) anticoagulant b) antihemophillic c) antidepressant d) nervous excitant Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY - CARDURA is the trade name of a) doxazosin b) doxorubicin c) doxepin d) doxycycline Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY - LITHIUM CARBONATE found some use as a) anticoagulant b) antihemophillic c) antidepressant d) nervous excitant Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY - SARAFEM is the trade name of a) reboxetine b) fluoxetine c) esctalopram d) lexapro Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY - SINEQUAN is the trade name of a) doxazosin b) doxorubicin c) doxepin d) doxycycline Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY - VIBRAMYCIN is the trade name of a) doxazosin b) doxorubicin c) doxepin d) doxycycline Ans.

PHYSIOLOGY - ABSORPTION OF CALCIUM is controlled by ___glands. a) adrenal b) pituitary c) para-thyroid glands d) thymus Ans.

PHYSIOLOGY - ___is an INBORN SENSATION: a) appetite b) craving c) hunger d) sweet tooth Ans.

PHYSIOLOGY - the function of CAECUM at the beginning of LARGE INTESTINE is: a) push the food along the g.i. path b) filter liquid impurities c) filter solid impurities d) function not known Ans.

PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - PSYCHIATRY - SELECTIVE SEROTONIN REUPTAKE INHIBITOR works on a) brain b) spine c) thyroid gland d) thymus gland Ans.

PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - PSYCHIATRY - SSRI is used as a) antabuse b) antidepressant c) muscle relaxant d) virility drug Ans.