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1. CHEMOTHERAPY - CANCER TREATMENT - patients may have to minimise ___intake. a) sugars b) proteins c) cooked foods d) water Ans.
2. DIAGNOSTICS - inability to use or understand spoken/written language owing to a brain lesion: a) aphasia b) dysphasia c) cataphasia d) anaplasia Ans.
3. DIAGNOSTICS - PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Amaurosis fugax is a symptom of ___ artery disease. a) vaginal artery b) appendicular artery c) arcuate artery d) carotid artery Ans.
4. OPHTHALMOLOGY - SURGICAL PROCEDURES - PHOTOCOAGULATION OF RETINA uses a) x-rays b) laser c) radio waves d) hertzian waves Ans.
5. PATHOLOGY OF INFECTIONS - STYE affects a) eyes b) ears c) nose d) throat Ans.
6. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMAUROSIS FUGAX affects a) cornea b) iris c) lens d) retina Ans.
7. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMAUROSIS FUGAX affects a) eyes b) ears c) nose d) throat Ans.
8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMAUROSIS FUGAX affects only one eye because a) not a serious infection b) two different carotid arteries carry blood to two eyes c) two eyes have two separate retinas d) all Ans.
9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMAUROSIS FUGAX is a result of a) blockage by placque b) accumulation of thrombocytes c) haemorrhage of blood d) autoimmune response Ans.
10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMAUROSIS FUGAX (temporary loss of vision in one eye) may be an indication of a) atherosclerosis b) psychoneurosis c) uraturia d) abetalipoproteinemia Ans.
11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - APHASIA is an ailment which affects a) aorta b) brain c) chest d) hips Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - process by which a person's psychological needs are expressed in the form of physical symptoms: a) anathematization b) cauterisation c) somatisation d) visualisation Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - STRONGYLOIDIASIS affects a) blood vessels b) gastro intestinal tract c) pulmonary vein d) spine andv vertibrae Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - subacute sclerosing panencephalitis affects a) aorta b) brain c) chest d) pelvis Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - TRANSIENT MONOCULAR BLINDNESS (temporary loss of vision in one eye) may be an indication of a) atherosclerosis b) psychoneurosis c) uraturia d) abetalipoproteinemia Ans.
16. PATHYPHYSIOLOGY - DERMATOSCLEROSIS is a ___disorder. a) autoimmune b) digestive c) respiratory d) vascular Ans.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - ACCUTANE , in spite of side effects, found some use in treatment of a) atherosclerosis b) acne c) backaches d) diarrhoea Ans.
18. PHARMACOLOGY - ISOTRETINOIN, in spite of teratogenic side effects, found some use in treating a) gonorrhoea b) impetigo/acne c) imperforate hymen d) impressive aphasia Ans.
19. PHARMACOLOGY - TERATOGENIC DRUGS interfere with a) blood circulation b) immunity system c) embryo development d) assimilation process Ans.
20. PHARMACOLOGY - ___women are not to take ACCUTANE. a) young b) pregnant c) working d) post-menopause Ans.