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1. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD) is a ___ disorder. a) acquired b) congenital c) contagious d) malnutritional Ans.
2. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY - Mixed gonadal dysgenesis (MGD) is a ___ disorder. a) circulatory b) muscular c) respiratory d) sexual Ans.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - THEOPHYLLINE found some use as a) anticoagulant b) broncho-dilator c) anti-depressant d) diuretic Ans.
4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - TIZANIDINE found some use as a) anticoagulant b) antacid c) diuretic d) muscle relaxant Ans.
5. DECREASED ALERTNESS - may be due to a) high blood sugar b) low blood sugar c) low blood pressure d) anything Ans.
6. DECREASED ALERTNESS - may be due to chronic ___ disease. a) kidneys b) liver c) thyroid d) anything Ans.
7. GENETIC DETERMINATION OF SEX OF A BABY - can be done through a) MRI scan b) chromosomal analysis c) buccal smear (examining cells taken from cheek) d) chromosomal analysis or buccal smear Ans.
8. GENETICS - AMBIGUOUS GENITALIA - KLINEFELTER'S SYNDROME may arise if a male has a) xx chromosomes b) xy chromosomes c) yy chromosomes d) xxy chromosomes Ans.
9. GENETICS - BABIES OF AMBIGUOUS GENITALIA - ___ have to collaborate as a team: a) neonatalists b) geneticists c) endocrinologists d) all Ans.
10. GENETICS - CONGENITAL --- HYPERPLASIA may result in AMBIGUOUS GENITALIA. a) adrenal b) pituitary c) thyroid d) thymus Ans.
11. GENETICS - GENETIC MALES have a) two x chromosomes b) two y chromosomes c) one x chromosome and one y chromosome d) any of these Ans.
12. GENETICS - LACK OF TESTOSTERONE CELLULAR RECEPTORS may result in a) female body for a genetic male b) under-production of male hormones c) overproduction of female hormones d) male body for a genetic female Ans.
13. GENETICS - PSEUDOHERMAPHRODITISM - may indicate a) presence of both genitalia b) conflict between genitalia and physical characteristics c) synergy between genitalia and physical characteristics d) a and c Ans.
14. GENETICS - PSEUDOHERMAPHRODITISM - may indicate a) presence of both genitalia b) conflict between genitalia and physical characteristics c) synergy between genitalia and physical characteristics d) a and c Ans.
15. GENETICS - TURNER'S SYNDROME arises when a) males do not have xy chromosome b) females do not have xx chromosomes c) males do not have x chromosome d) females do not have xy chromosomes Ans.
16. GENETICS - TURNER'S SYNDROME is a sex-linked disorder found in a) males b) females c) children of smoking mothers d) children of mothers taking frequent x-rays Ans.
17. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME affects a) ankles b) brain c) chet d) duodenum Ans.
18. PHYSIOLOGY - OPISTHOTONOS is a backward arc-like body-being posture, owing to a disorder of ___ system. a) autoimmune b) central nervous c) cardiovascular d) endocrine system Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - TPA is a) carbohydrate b) protein c) fat d) glycogen Ans.
20. PSYCHIATRY - DELIRIUM may arising owing to lack of ___ vitamin. a) vitamin A b) vitamin B6 c) vitamin E d) vitamin K Ans.