Sunday, July 15, 2012

#074 -20 MCQ on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology

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1. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - EMOLLIENTS are useful in ___diseases. a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) skin Ans.

2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - MANNITOL found some use as promoter of excretion of a) sweat b) urine c) feces d) all Ans.

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - PENTAERYTHRITOL found some use in treatment of a) gingivitis b) angena pectoris c) cirrhosis d) hepatitis Ans.

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ___therapists should have empathy. a) psycho b) chemo c) physio d) any therapist. Ans.

5. NUTRITION - APPROXIMATE IRON REQUIREMENT OF AN ADULT is a) 15-20 mg. b) 30-40 mg. c) 60-70 mg. d) 100mg. Ans.

6. NUTRITION - INISITOL is an ALCOHOL which is a part of the vitamin a) vitamin A b) vitamin B complex c) vitamin C d) vitamin K Ans.

7. PATHOLOGY - GINGIVITIS is inflammation of a) glans b) gonads c) gums d) gut Ans.

8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - BLADDER DISTENSION is a) urine over-filled bladder b) bladder dry with scant urine c) ruptured urinary bladder d) bladder blocked by accumulated cholesterol Ans.

9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ___ cancer can cause ABDOMINAL MASS in right upper quadrant of ABDOMEN: a) liver b) pancreas c) kidney d) all Ans.

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ___ cancer can sometimes cause a mass in abdomen: a) blood b) brain c) bone d) kidney Ans.

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - EMPHYSEMA results from leakages of a) air b) blood c) cholesterol d) pus Ans.

12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - EMPYEMA is accumulation of a) air b) blood c) cholesterol d) pus Ans.

13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - LITTLE'S DISEASE may be owing to ___damage. a) aorta b) brain c) lungs d) heart Ans.

14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Most POTASSIUM SALTS depress action of ___. a) brain b) heart c) kidneys d) lungs Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - OSMITROL is the trade name of a) mannitol b) inositol c) pentaerythritol d) sorbitol Ans.

16. PHARMACOLOGY - PERITRATE is the trade name of a) mannitol b) inositol c) pentaerythritol d) sorbitol Ans.

17. PHYSIOLOGY - ___does not store IRON. a) kidney b) liver c) pancreas d) spleen Ans.

18. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK-WAVE LITHOTRIPSY (ESWL) found some use in solving some problems of ___ system. a) circulatory b) digestive c) nervous d) respiratory Ans.

19. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - REMOVAL OF GALL STONES AND KIDNEY STONES - a patient is suspended in water while performing a) lithotomy b) lithotripsy c) cholelithotomy d) any one Ans.

20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - removal of stones from gall bladder and stones without physical contact: a) lithotomy b) lithotripsy c) cholelithotomy d) any one Ans.