Tuesday, September 15, 2009


How heavy metals entered A.?

Heavy metals entered A. through the ALCHEMISTRY route. From time immemorial, Indians have been venturing to convert base metals into gold. The main process employed was melting the cheap metal and other ingredients like "taalaka". The efforts did not succeed because the alchemists of those days did not know the real chemical elemental nature of gold. The heating process yielded a number of ash - mixtures (called BHASMAs).

In some absolutely hopeless situations where patient was on his death bed, some body tried some of these ashes on his patients. Fortunately, they revived and thus the hundreds of ashes and mixtures of mercuric compounds, sulphur, lead, gold etc entered the medical world.

When did A. originate?

According to some historians, alchemistry joined the medical arena during the days of Achaarya Nagarjuna (pronounced Naagaarjuna) i.e. about 2000 years back.
What is the importance of Mercury?
Affectionately called "Siva Viiryam" (Semen of Lord Siva).
What is the role of Mercury in A. medicines?
75% of the A. medicines contain mercury and other heavy metals.
We cannot imagine an A. doctor or an A. medical shop which does not sell these 75%.
How to identify A. medicines which contain mercury?
These medicines usually carry suffixes like "RASAM, VATI" to the names. A strict regime of diet "EAT AND DON'T EAT" (pathyam, apathyam) is prescribed.
YOGAS (pronounced yoogaas) are combination drugs consisting mixtures of herbs and the metals.

Some Ayurvedic experts say that mercury and heavy metals undergo purification (SAMSKARA) in manufacture?

Not sufficient.
A. makers and physicians have great confidence in the purification process that all the poisonous characteristics of mercury, lead etc. will be removed with the SAMSKAARA.

The process involves melting, boiling, collecting the vapour on surface of another vessel, cooling it and collecting the granules and the deposit. These involve only physical changes.
No radical changes in the characteristics of mercury and heavy metals take place.
Unbiased empirical scientific investigations are necessary.

Just as allopathic doctors and the phaarma Companies will not come forward for banning allopathic drugs, A. manufacturers and the physicians may not come forward for testing or reforms under independent impartial supervision.

How can Ayurveda be treated as a risk medical system when it is in use since thousands of years?

No system of medicine is infalliable.
--Simply because a system is in use since ancient times, it does not mean that no scrutiny of its procedures and practices should be made.
-- Rigidness does no good to A.

What are AASAVAAS, ARISHT'As in Ayurveda?

Liquid preparations made fermenting herbal extracts. They do not contain heavy metals and are safe. Problems: 1. Costly. 2. Some Companies use alcohol purchased from distillaries instead of waiting till the real fermentation taking place under the ground.

Better these are classified as HERBAL and not as A.

Which system of medicine is preferable?

Poor or rich, modern medicine is the answer. Where the modern clinic/hospital is not accessible, or where the patient cannot afford the modern medicine, herbs may be tried.

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