1. __ proposed use of cocaine to treat depressions: a) Sigmund Freud b) Hippocrates c) Thomas Willis d) Karl wernicke . Mouse here to see answer.
2. COCAINE __appetite. a) increases b) reduces c) does not affect d) stabilises . Mouse here to see answer.
3. COCAINE blocks uptake of a) dopamine b) noradrenaline c) serotonin d) all . Mouse here to see answer.
4. COCAINE __ body temperature. a) raises b) reduces c) stabilises d) does not affect . Mouse here to see answer.
5. AMPHETAMINES __ sleep. a) increase b) reduce c) stabilise d) does not affect . Mouse here to see answer.
6. ANTIPSYCHOTIC-DRUGS may __ BP. a) raise b) cut-down c) stabilise d) not-affect . Mouse here to see answer.
7. TOURNIQUETS are __. a) inhalers b) bandages c) sun-blockers d) catheters . Mouse here to see answer.
8. NEONATES have __ bile acids. a) accumulations b) small quantities c) no d) milk-soluble . Mouse here to see answer.
9. FALLOT) S-TETROLOGY dealt with __ anomalies. a) ph b) cardiac c) hepatic d) nephritic . Mouse here to see answer.
10. ASPIRIN CONSUMPTION BY MOTHER may __ concentration of ASPIRIN in BREAST-MILK. a) increase b) reduce c) stabilise d) not affect . Mouse here to see answer.
11. RADIO-IODINE can cause __suppression in infants. a) adrenal b) thymus c) thyroid d) pituitary . Mouse here to see answer.
12. PHENOTHIAZINES may ___ memory. a) improve b) impair c) stabilise d) not-affect . Mouse here to see answer.
13. PHARMACOLOGY - tetrahydroaminoacridine-THA is said to benefit in __ disease. a) Alzheimers b) Addisons c) Albrights d) Bantis . Mouse here to see answer.
14. PHARMACOKINETICS - DIGOXIN is cleared by a) liver b) intestines c) kidneys d) urinary-bladder . Mouse here to see answer.
15. PULMONARY-DISEASE may lead to a) hypokalemia b) hypomagnesemia c) hypoxemia d) all . Mouse here to see answer.
16. OPHTHALMOLOGY - AGERELATED-MASCULAR-DEGENERATION-AMD - is caused by a) alcohol b) cocaine c) smoking d) needs-more-research . Mouse here to see answer.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - ANTIHISTAMINES have __ effects. a) depressive b) stimulative c) sedative d) cardiac . Mouse here to see answer.
18. PHARMACOLOGY - BACITROCIN is __ absorbed through skin. a) abundantly b) poorly c) not d) bacitrocin is not used topically . Mouse here to see answer.
19. PATHOLOGY - KLEBISIELLA is a) bacteria b) fungus c) parasite d) virus . Mouse here to see answer.
20. PATHOLOGY - ODDMAN-OUT: a) e-coli b) klebisiella c) proteus d) staphylococci . Mouse here to see answer.