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.2. ANATOMY - FORAMEN MAGNUM is a LARGE HOLE in our a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) pancreas Ans.
3. ANATOMY - NIDUS AVIS CEREBELLI, is a deep nest-like groove-like structure, we have in our a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) pancreas Ans.
4. ANATOMY - SELLA TURCICA, a depression in our SPHENOID BONE, encloses __ gland. a) adrenal b) pituitary c) thyroid d) thymus Ans.
5. ANATOMY - SEPTATE UTERUS is a uterus which a) has infections b) is facing auto-immune reactions c) is divided d) needs surgical removal Ans.
6. ANATOMY - we have a SPHENOID BONE in our a) skull b) shoulders c) spine d) legs Ans.
7. ANATOMY - we have SELLA TURCICA, a depression in our a) skull b) shoulders c) spine d) legs Ans.
8. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - LIDOCAINE found some use as a) local topical anesthetic b) epidural anesthetic c) general anesthetic d) all Ans.
9. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - PENTAZOCINE finds some use as a) antibiotic b) antihistamine c) pain killer (analgesic) d) anticoagulant Ans.
10. PARENTERAL NUTRTION - RYLE'S TUBE is also known as a) naso-gastric tube (NG tube) b) naso-tracheal tube c) neural tube d) cartilaginous tube Ans.
11. PATHOLOGY - RUBELLA (German Measles) is caused by a) bacteria b) fungus c) virus d) congenital succession Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ANGIOKERATOMA CORPORUS DIFFUSUM UNIVERSAL also known as FABRY'S DISEASE can lead to malfunctioning of a) kidneys b) heart c) nervous system d) any of these or all Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - GLOBOTRIAOSYLCERAMIDE, accumulation of this fatty compound can lead to to malfunctioning of a) kidneys b) heart c) nervous system d) any of these or all Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HYPERPARATHYROIDISM may __ in body. a) increase calcium levels b) increase phosphorus levels c) decrease calcium levels d) decrease phosophorus levels Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PAROSMIA is a disorder which affects our a) vision b) smell c) taste buds d) hearing Ans.
16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PAROSMIA may arise from a) septic nasal passages b) lesions in brains c) either or both d) none Ans.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - XYLOCAINE is the trade name of a) benzocaine b) butacaine c) lidocaine d) dibucaine Ans.
18. PHYSIOLOGY - ability to sense the position and location and orientation and movement of the body and its parts : a) sensuousness b) exteroception c) proprioception d) intussusception Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - SEMINAL FLUID contains __ to nourish SPERM. a) amino acids b) niacin c) sugar d) magnesium Ans.
20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - SEPTORHINOPLASTY is performed on our a) eyes b) ears c) nose d) throat Ans.