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1. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - BENZYL BENZOATE is not advised for use in a) children b) adolescents c) men d) women Ans:.
2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - BENZYL BENZOATE used to be (gradually losing its place) popular in treatment of a) tachycardia b) sleeplessness c) scabies d) infertility Ans:.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CHLORAMBUCIL finds some applications in a) paediatrics b) chemotherapy c) HRT d) occupational therapy Ans:.
4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - DOBUTAMINE finds applications as a) vascular dilator b) cardiac stimulant c) virility drug d) anticoagulant Ans:.
5. DIAGNOSTICS - BICARBONATE LEVEL IN BLOOD is an indirect indicator of a) blood acidity b) blood coagulation c) count of erythrocytes d) blood thickness Ans:.
6. DIAGNOSTICS - LOW POTASSIUM LEVELS IN BLOOD may NOT be an indication of a) liver cirrhosis b) hyperadrenalism c) renal tubular defect d) diuresis Ans:.
7. PATHOLOGY - any abnormality of bodily structure or function, other than those arising directly from physical injury: a) discoid lupus ery matosus (DLE) b) DNA c) DNR d) Down's syndrome Ans:.
8. PATHOLOGY - GREEN CANCER is another name for a) atheroma b) chondroma c) neuroma d) chloroma Ans:.
9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CHLOASMA a disorder causing discoloration of face affects: a) girls undergoing menarche b) pregnant women and, women under contraceptives c) lactating women d) post-menopause women Ans:.
10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CHLOASMA is a disorder of a) insulin b) melanin c) pyocyanin d) phycocyanin Ans:.
11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CHLOASMA is a disorder which relates to discoloration of __. a) face b) breasts c) limbs d) nails Ans:.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ENDOTOXINS a) increase in blood pressure b) fall in blood pressure c) stabilisation of blood pressure d) do not affect changes in blood pressure Ans:.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - MICROANGIPATHY is an ailment which affects a) arteries b) veins c) capillaries d) glands and ducts Ans:.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PNEUMOTHORAX is ABNORMAL PRESENCE OF AIR in a) lungs b) heart c) pleural cavity d) gullet Ans:.
15. PHARMACOLOGY - BRADYKININ tends to __ blood pressure. a) reduce b) increase c) halve d) double Ans:.
16. PHARMACOLOGY - Identify the DEODORANT : a) chlorophyll b) chlordane c) chlorambucil d) chlorhexidine Ans:.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - LEUKERAN is the trade name of a) chloramphenicol b) chlordane c) chlorambucil d) chlorhexidine Ans:.
18. PHARMACOLOGY - prophylaxis drug for malaria: a) chlorophyll b) chlordane c) chlorambucil d) chloroquine Ans:.
19. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - Thromboendarterectomy is a reboring process to remove a) blood clots b) malignant tumors c) Rigg's Disease d) synovial fluids Ans:.
20. THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH - BLINDED STUDIES is useful in minimising a) fatalities b) biases c) costs d) legal complications Ans:.