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1. ANATOMY - we have __ pleura in our chest: a) one b) two c) three d) uncountable Ans.
2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA is a) fatal notwithstanding treatment b) fatal if not treated, and will respond favorably if treated c) unresponsive to treatment d) no treatment is necessary Ans.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA is mainly treated with a) oral medications b) immunoglobulin injectants c) IV infusion of immunoglobulins d) antibiotics and radiotherapy Ans.
4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - NALIDIXIC ACID found use in treating a) aortal and vascular infections b) bronchial and pulmonary infections c) genitourinary infections d) nephritic and prostate infections Ans.
5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR a) forms blood clots b) breaks blood clots c) hinders fibrinolysis d) increases phagocytes Ans.
6. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS - persons of __ type blood, do not have any surface molecules on their blood cells. a) A b) B c) AB d) O Ans.
7. GENETICS - AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE TRAIT - a child can INHERIT a DISORDER only if a) father provides the defective gene b) mother provides the defective gene c) both parents must provide the defective gene d) even grant-parents can provide defective genes Ans.
8. GYNECOLOGY - QUICKENING is a term associated with a) puberty b) intercourse c) pregnancy d) menopause Ans.
9. OPHTHALMOLOGY - blindness in one fourth of the visual field of each eye (same quarter in each eye): a) deuteranopia b) tetartanopia c) tritanopia d) quadrantanopia Ans.
10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA hinders the growth of a) B lymphocytes b) T lymphocytes c) both B and T lymphocytes d) erythrocytes Ans.
11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA is a) inherited b) acquired c) infected d) autoimmune Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AGAMMAGLOBULINEMIA mainly affects a) male babies b) female babies c) adolescents and youth d) aged persons Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ATAXIA TELANGIECTASIA indicates a) decreased coordination of movements b) enlarged blood vessels just below skin c) death of brain cells d) all Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AUTOERYTHROCYTO SENSITIVITY may lead to destruction of a) adipose cells b) epidermal cells c) red blood cells d) white blood cells Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - COXIELLA BURNETI causes a) hay fever b) q fever c) boutonneuse fever d) dengue fever Ans.
16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - intermittent fever with paroxysms developing every fourth day : a) q fever b) quadrant fever c) undulant fever d) enteric fever Ans.
17. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - PAEDIATRICS - ATAXIA TELANGIECTASIA is a) inherited b) acquired c) infected d) autoimmune Ans.
18. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - QUADRANTANOPIA is a disorder which affects a) eyes b) ears c) nose d) throat Ans.
19. PHARMACOLOGY - ACTIVASE is the trade name of a) angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor b) tissue plasminogen activator c) alpha-adrenergic receptor d) proteolytic enzyme Ans.
20. PHARMACOLOGY - QUINIDINE is a __ drug. a) antianxiety drug b) cardiac drug c) anti-pyretic drug d) virility drug Ans.