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.1. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ADMINISTRATION OF PENICILLIN may sometimes lead to a) allergic reactions b) transfusion reactions c) anxiety reactions d) desmoplastic reactions Ans.
2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ADMINISTRATION OF SULFA DRUGS may sometimes lead to autoimmune reaction ANGIODERMA a) true b) false c) .. d) .. Ans.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ANTIHISTAMINES - find the oddman out: a) injectible epinephrine b) chewable dehydramine c) aminoalkane d) brompheniramine maleate Ans.
4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - BROMOCRIPTINE ___ DOPAMINE receptors. a) inhibits b) ignores c) stimulates d) suppresses Ans.
5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - BROMOCRIPTINE suppresses a) agglutination b) placentation c) calcification d) lactation Ans.
6. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - TRUE ANAPHYLAXIS REACTIONS and ANAPHYLACTOID REACTIONS (anaphylaxis-like) respond to ___ treatment. a) similar or same treatments b) different treatments c) .. d) .. Ans.
7. DERMATOLOGY - HIVES are a) surface swellings b) undertheskin swellings c) lesions in blood vessels d) abscesses of unknown origin Ans.
8. DERMATOLOGY - which of the following is not correct about DERMATOGRAPHISM ? a) not a disease b) no treatment is needed c) manifestation of a serious internal disorder d) rubbing and scratching of skin is sufficient for the hive to appear Ans.
9. DIAGNOSTICS - AEGOPHONY BLEATINGS on stethoscope we hear from lungs may be an indication of presence of a) air in the lungs b) fluids the lungs c) tumors in the lungs d) worms in the lungs Ans.
10. DIAGNOSTICS - AEGOPHONY BLEATINGS on stethoscope we may hear from a) brain b) lungs c) reproductive system d) knees Ans.
11. IMMUNOLOGY - ANAPHYLACTOID REACTIONS may be generated by : a) aspirin b) morphine c) x-ray dyes d) any or all Ans.
12. PATHOLOGY - BREAKBONE FEVER is also known as a) gibralter fever b) hay fever c) mediterranean fever d) dengue fever Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ANAPHYLAXIS STMULATED HISTAMINES cause airways in our lungs to a) dilate b) elongate c) thick-walled d) tightened Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ANGIODEMA is a/an a) tumor b) embolus c) calculus d) autoimmune reaction Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ANGIODEMA results in a) surface swellings b) undertheskin swellings c) lesions in blood vessels d) abscesses of unknown origin Ans.
16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - blockage of eustachian tubes between middle ear and pharynx a) otic ganglion b) otic baratrauma c) deaf-mutism d) autonomic ganglion Ans.
17. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - BREAKBONE FEVER is spread by a) aedes aegypti mosquito b) anopheles moscquito c) culex mosquito d) common mosquito Ans.
18. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - STRIDORS indicate obstructions in a) brain b) throat and trachea c) gall bladder d) kidneys Ans.
19. PHARMACOLOGY - find the oddman out: a) hydrochlorothiazide b) chlorothiazide c) fludrocortisone d) trichlormethiazide Ans.
20. PHARMACOLOGY - MICROZIDE is the trade name of a) hydrochlorothiazide b) chlorothiazide c) hydrofumethiazide d) trichlormethiazide Ans.