Sunday, August 05, 2012

#101 - Exercise on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology - psychopathology - ophthalmology

Move your mouse here to see the asnwers , if you have no time to compare the choices.

1. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ALCOHOLIC KETOACIDOSIS treatment essentially involves a) antibiotics b) analgesics c) IV fluids and vitamins d) all or any Ans.

2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CURARE found some use as a) muscle relaxant b) nerve relaxant c) vasco dilator d) broncho dilator Ans.

3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CURARE is reported to relax a) abdominal external oblique muscle b) buccinator muscle c) cardiac muscle d) striated muscles Ans.

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - SPECTINOMYCIN found some use in treating a) AIDS b) gonorrhoea c) syphilis d) chlamydia Ans.

5. PATHOLOGY - Identify the ailment which does not fall in the group: a) subarchnoid aneurysm b) pituitary apoplexy c) adrenal apoplexy d) stroke Ans.

6. PATHOLOGY - mucopolysaccaridhosis is a) familial metabolic disorder b) acquired autoimmune disorder c) contagious infectitious disease d) abdomenal aortic aneurysm Ans.

7. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ADRENAL APOPLEXY may arise a) when excess blood flows into adrenal gland b) when blood flow stops into adrenal gland c) either d) none Ans.

8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - BLOOD KETONES may arise owing to a) starvation b) diabetes mellitus c) prolonged vomiting d) all or any Ans.

9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - GARGOYLISM is a) hereditary b) acquired c) contagious d) traumatic Ans.

10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - GARGOYLISM is a) metabolic b) autoimmunal c) immunodeficient d) infectitious Ans.

11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - neglect of ALCOHOLIC KETOACIDOSIS can lead to a) pancreatitis b) gastrointestinal bleeding c) pneumonia d) all or any Ans.

12. PHARMACOLOGY - BUPROPION found some use in deaddicting people from a) alcohol b) diacetylmorphine c) hell dust d) tobacco Ans.

13. PHARMACOLOGY - CEFOTAXIME found some use in treating infections of a) ears and throat b) lungs c) urinary tracts d) any or all of these Ans.

14. PHARMACOLOGY - CLAFORAN is the trade name of a) spectinomycin b) ciprofloxacin c) cefotaxime d) bupropion Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - MUCOLYTIC DRUGS find their use in treating a) brain disease b) bronchitis c) bone disorders d) balanitis Ans.

16. PHARMACOLOGY - PARENTERAL MEDICATIONS are administered through a) oral tablets and capsules b) intramuscular injections and intravenous injections c) inhalers and dispensers d) incisions, catheters and tubes Ans.

17. PHYSIOLOGY - BODY ACETONE (which can accumulate in blood or urine) is produced by PARTIAL OXIDATION of a) starches b) proteins c) fatty acids d) alcohol Ans.

18. PHYSIOLOGY - DAILY CELL DESTRUCTION IN OUR BODIES is a) homeostasis b) apoptosis c) ptosis d) agalactasis Ans.

19. PHYSIOLOGY - In adults ___ cells are said to die every day. a) a million b) 10 million c) a billion d) ten billion Ans.

20. PHYSIOLOGY - Which of the following are unconnected with cell-death (apoptosis)? a) destruction of cell's membrane b) shrinkage of cell with condensation of chromatin c) fragmentation of DNA d) none. All are connected. Ans.