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1. ANATOMY - INTERSTICES are spaces between a) two organs b) organs and tissues c) organs and bones d) two bones Ans.
2. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - AEROSOL MEDICATIONS thin ___fluids. a) brain b) lung c) heart d) abdominal Ans.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ASPIRIN in spite of its side effects, found some use as a) blood thinner b) vascodilator c) beta blocker d) antithyroid Ans.
4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ASPIRIN's side effects can be a) stomach pain b) itching and rashes c) diarrhoea d) any of these. Ans.
5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - CLOPIDOGREL SULFATE found some use as a) blood thinner b) vascodilator c) beta blocker d) antithyroid Ans.
6. DIAGNOSTICS - AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS affects a) brain and skull b) spine and muscles c) lungs and heart d) liver and pancreas Ans.
7. DIAGNOSTICS - LOU GEHRIG'S DISEASE affects a) brain and skull b) spine and muscles c) lungs and heart d) liver and pancreas Ans.
8. DIAGNOSTICS - PROTHROMBIN TEST can help in diagnosing a) haemophilia b) intestinal disorders c) prostate problems d) hemoglobinemia Ans.
9. DIAGNOSTICS - SODIUM CHLORIDE ELECTROLYTE CONCENTRATIONS beyond 150mmol/l may lead to a) dehydration b) diabetes insipidus c) diabetes mellitus d) any of these Ans.
10. GENETICS - AUTOSOMAL CHROMOSOMES appear in a) singles b) pairs c) triplets d) quadruplets Ans.
11. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY - CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS may lead to a) interstitial pneumonitis b) necrosis of interstitial cells c) interstitial tumors d) evaporation of interstitial fluid Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - A1AT DEFICIENCY (ALPHA1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY) is a) acquired b) congenital c) contagious d) autoimmune Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ACCUMULATION OF FLUID IN AIR SACS a) improves the ability of lungs to expand b) reduce the ability of lungs to expand c) no link between fluid in air sacs and the ability of lungs to expand d) .. Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ALPHA1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY can lead to damage of a) liver and lungs b) lungs and heart c) brain and spine d) liver and pancreas Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS is also known as ___disease. a) Addison's disease b) Alzheimer's disease c) Lou Gehrig's disease d) Autosomal dominant disease Ans.
16. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - FIND THE ODDMAN OUT: a) pleuralgia b) pleurodynia c) pneumocytosis d) costalgia Ans.
17. PEEP (POSITIVE END EXPIRATORY PRESSURE) is a term associated with a) brain b) lungs c) liver d) kidneys Ans.
18. PHARMACOLOGY - PLAVIX is the trade name of ___sulfate. a) zinc sulfate b) magnesium sulfate c) clopidogrel sulfate d) bariam sulfate Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - interstitial cell-stimulating hormone stimulates a) lung function b) heart function c) reproductory function d) digestive function Ans.
20. PHYSIOLOGY - ___ secretes TRYPSIN. a) stomach b) pancreas c) liver d) kidneys Ans.