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1. ANATOMY - ABNORMALLY SHORT FINGERS AND TOES : a) brachidactily b) adactylism c) clinodactyly d) syndactyly Ans.
2. ANATOMY - COCHLEA in our body is a/an a) cavity b) gland c) muscle d) tube Ans.
3. ANATOMY - COCHLEA is an important element in our a) ear b) eyes c) nose d) throat Ans.
4. ANATOMY - COCHLEA is ___shaped. a) apple b) butterfly c) kite d) snail Ans.
5. ANATOMY - COSMETICS - DOLICHOCEPHALIC persons are considered as a) long narrow headed b) broad short headed c) round headed d) bullet-headed Ans.
6. ANATOMY - DOLICHOCEPHALIC is a term which applies to with of a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) waist Ans.
7. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ACTIVATED CHARCOAL finds some therapeutic use as a) antacid b) antibody against poisons c) anticoagulant d) antidiarrhoreal Ans.
8. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - DIMENHYDRINATE found some use as a) antiemetic b) antihistamine c) ameliorant in motion sickness d) all Ans.
9. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - DOCUSATE SODIUM found some use as a) antidiarrhoeal b) antiemetic c) stool-softener d) broncho dilator Ans.
10. DIAGNOSTICS - BOWEN'S DISEASE mimicks a) eczema and psoriasis b) herpes c) measles d) chickenpox Ans.
11. NUTRITION - PUBERTY - ADOLESCENT GIRLS need more ___owing to menstrual losses. a) calcium b) iron c) potassium d) sodium Ans.
12. PATHOLOGY - NUTRITION - ___may contain spores that cause botulism. a) oats b) biscuits c) cocoa d) honey Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSILOGY - BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY (BSE) causes cell death through ___ proteins. a) prion proteins b) silver proteins c) beta-lipoprotein d) C-reactive protein Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - BOWEN'S DISEASE affects a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) skin Ans.
15. PHARMACOLOGY - CARDIZEM is the trade name of a) diltiazem b) nifedipine c) procardia d) verapamil Ans.
16. PHARMACOLOGY - DILTIAZEM found some use as a a) beta-blocker b) calcium blocker c) histamine blocker d) alpha adrenergic blocker Ans.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - DRAMAMINE is the trade name of a) dimenhydrinate b) dimenhydrate c) chloral hydrate d) calcium hydrate Ans.
18. PHYSIOLOGY - BRACHIAL ARTERY carries blood in a) brain b) upper arm c) lungs d) abdomen Ans.
19. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - COCHLEAR IMPLANTS are inserted using ___anesthesia. a) general b) spinal c) local d) no anesthesia Ans.
20. TOXICOLOGY - DIMETHYLE KETONE used in cleaning solutions and plastics when swallowed may cause a) drowsiness b) sleeplessness c) scant urine d) high blood pressure Ans.