Friday, July 20, 2012

#077 -20 MCQ on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology

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APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ACARBOSE found some use as a) anticoagulant b) antihistamine c) antidiabetic d) bronchial dilator Ans.

APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - HYPOGLUCOAEMICS may not be of use in treating ___ diabetes. a) type 1 diabetes b) type diabetes c) diabetes insipidus d) any diabetes Ans.

APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - METFORMIN lowers blood ___. a) pressure b) clots c) count d) sugar Ans.

DIAGNOSTICS - ABDOMINAL BLOATING is also known as a) hypogonadism b) melanism c) meteorism d) meningism Ans.

DIAGNOSTICS - ARMPIT LUMPS may be owing to swollen a) lymph nodes b) sebacious glands c) ligaments d) all Ans.

DIAGNOSTICS - Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) looks into a) circulatory system b) digestive system c) brain and spine d) kidneys and reproductory system Ans.

DIAGNOSTICS - IDDM refers to ___ diabetes. a) type 1 diabetes b) type 2 diabetes c) diabetes insipidus d) all Ans.

PATHOLOGY - GLEET is a type of a) gonorrhoea b) gif (gastro intestinal perforation) c) gout d) goitre Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ABDOMINAL BLOATING may arise from a) air swallowing b) constipation c) gastroesophagal reflux d) any of these Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ABDOMINAL BLOATING may arise from a) irritable bowel syndrome b) food intolerances c) small bowel bacterial overgrowth d) any of these Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ARMPIT LUMPS may be due to a) fatty breast tissue b) allergic reactions c) breast cancer d) any of these or even others Ans.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - rapid emptying of stomach and drawing of fluid from the blood into intestine is one symptom of ___syndrome. a) Horner's syndrome b) Chinese Restaurant syndrome c) Asperger's syndrome d) Dumping Syndrome Ans.

PHARMACOLOGY - METHADONE is said to be a good ___suppressant. a) blood pressure b) appetite suppressant c) cough suppressant d) immunosuppressant Ans.

PHYSIOLOGY - LYMPH NODES act as filters for catching a) infectitious organisms b) cancerous tumour cells c) both d) none Ans.

PHYSIOLOGY - Many CANCERS ___appetite. a) increase b) decrease c) regulate d) do not affect Ans.

PHYSIOLOGY - SWOLLEN ABDOMEN CAUSED BY SWALLOWING AIR can be prevented by avoiding a) carbonated drinks b) chewing gum c) drinking through straw d) all or any Ans.

SURGICAL PROCEDURES - ADENOIDECTOMY relates to a) eyes b) ear-nose-throat c) neck and thyroid d) chest Ans.

SURGICAL PROCEDURES - ADENOIDECTOMY uses ___anesthesia. a) general anesthesia b) spinal anesthesia c) local anesthesia d) no anesthesia. Ans.

SURGICAL PROCEDURES - application of a needle heated by an electric current to destroy tissue a) electrocautery b) cryocautery c) thermocautery d) electro or thermo cautery Ans.

SURGICAL PROCEDURES - USE OF RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY TO DESTROY TISSUE (for removing glands, adenoids, warts etc.): a) electrocautery b) coblation c) ablation d) iridotomy Ans.