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.1. ANATOMY - ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) is found in our a) liver b) bones c) intestines d) all our body tissues. Ans.
2. ANATOMY - MOST ABUNDANT ENZYME IN LIVER is a) alaninetransaminase b) alkaline phosphatase c) invertase d) secretase Ans.
3. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ETHACRYNIC ACID found some use in treating a) angina b) edema c) eczema d) emphysema Ans.
4. ARTERIAL STICK - is a/an a) blood test b) catheter sent into an artery c) an endoscope for examining arteries d) synthetic artery used in artery transplantations Ans.
5. DIAGNOSTICS - abnormally high ASPARATE AMINO TRANSMINASE levels may be owing to ___ disease. a) liver b) kidney c) heart d) any or all these Ans.
6. DIAGNOSTICS - ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE (alp test) normal range as per current practice is ___international units per lit. : a) 30-300 units b) 60-600 units c) 90-900 units d) 120-1200 units Ans.
7. DIAGNOSTICS - ASPARTATE AMINO TRANSMINASE TEST (AST TEST) - normal range of the enzyme ___ international units per liter. a) 30 -34 IU/L. b) 35- 70 IU/L. c) 71-100 IU/L. d) 101-105 IU/L. Ans.
8. DIAGNOSTICS - excess ALANINEtransAMINASE may be owing to leakages from damaged a) stomach b) pancreas c) liver d) kidneys Ans.
9. DIAGNOSTICS - LUMBAR PUNCTURE is a procedure connected to a) aorta b) brain c) chest d) gonads Ans.
10. LUMBAR PUNCTURE - is undertaken for ___ purpose. a) diagnostic b) therapeutic c) lie detection d) diagnostic or therapeutic Ans.
11. PATHOLOGY - ANAEROBIC BACTERIA may not have a role in the disease a) diverticulitis b) appendicitis c) cirrhosis d) perforation of rectum Ans.
12. PATHOLOGY - HUMIDIFIER FEVER is associated with the use of a) airconditioners b) alcohol c) perfumes d) tobacco Ans.
13. PATHOLOGY - TOXOPLASMOSIS is transmitted through infected a) cats b) dogs c) monkeys d) all pets Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - HUMIDIFIER FEVER mainly affects a) brain b) lungs c) abdomen d) limbs Ans.
15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - OPSONINS are a) antigens b) antibodies c) enzymes d) waste products Ans.
16. PHARMACOLOGY - ALCURONIUM finds some usage as a) anaesthetic b) vascodilator c) diuretic d) virility drug Ans.
17. PHYSIOLOGY - ALANINETRANSAMINASE - is a/an a) enzyme b) hormone c) intestinal juice d) synovial fluid Ans.
18. PHYSIOLOGY - ALBUMIN ___ during pregnancy. a) increases b) decreases c) remains constant d) becomes inactive Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - ALBUMIN is a ___. a) carbohydrate b) protein c) fat d) waste product Ans.
20. PHYSIOLOGY - ___makes ALBUMIN. a) brain b) pancreas c) liver d) spleen Ans.