Sunday, July 08, 2012

#062 -20 MCQ on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology

Move yr. mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to think over the choices.

1. ANATOMY - ABDOMINAL SPACE should normally have a) no fluid b) some fluid c) no fluid or a little fluid d) abundant fluid Ans.

2. ANATOMY - AREOLA is in a) brain b) breasts c) back d) buttocks Ans.

3. ANATOMY - RH INCOMPATIBILITY - relates to incompatibility of a) blood b) semen c) dna d) hormones Ans.

4. DIAGNOSTIC METHODS - ABDOMINAL X-RAYS are not desirable for a) children b) pregnant women c) women post-menopause d) old men Ans.

5. DIAGNOSTIC METHODS - ANGIOGRAPHY uses a) MRI b) CAT c) X-rays d) ultrasonic sounding Ans.

6. DIAGNOSTIC METHODS - KUB X-ray mostly covers a) brain b) chest c) abdomen d) spine Ans.

7. DIAGNOSTICS - FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - DRYNESS OF VAGINA - one medical term used is: a) cystocele b) colpoxerosis c) colporrhaphy d) colpocystisis Ans.

8. DIAGNOSTICS - INCREASE IN ABDOMINAL GIRTH may be due to a) obesity b) liver/heart failure c) blockage of intestinal gas d) any of these Ans.

9. DIAGNOSTICS - MEASUREMENT OF ABDOMINAL GIRTH is: a) circular length b) diameter at navel c) radius at navel d) none Ans.

10. DIAGNOSTICS - SPINA BIFIDA may be diagnosed by the test a) amniocentesis b) abdominocentesis c) arthrocentesis d) thoracocentesis Ans.

11. PATHOLOGY - FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - CYSTOCELE is a type of ___ of urinary bladder and vagina. a) hernia b) malignant cancer c) benign tumors d) necrosis of cells Ans.

12. PATHOLOGY - WILMS' DISEASE affects a) brain b) lungs c) heart d) kidneys Ans.

13. PATHOLOGY - WILMS' DISEASE is a type of a) hemorrhage b) cancer c) prolapse d) autoimmune response Ans.

14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - SPINA BIFIDA is a ___ anomaly. a) acquired b) birth c) contagious d) drug reaction Ans.

15. PHARMACOLOGY - PEPTO-BISMAL is a/an a) antihistamine b) antacid c) antabuse d) virility drug Ans.

16. PHYSIOTHERAPY - KEGEL EXERCISES help women to a) urinate freely b) hold urine for treating incontinence c) overcome sterility d) deliver a baby without pain Ans.

17. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - ABDOMINAL TAP involves a) removal of large volume of fluid b) small volume of fluid c) no removal of abdominal fluid d) large or small volume depending on the purpose Ans.

18. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - AMNIOCENTESIS - RISK OF MISCARRIAGE IS said to be a) frequent b) occasional c) minimal d) no miscarriage Ans.

19. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - ANOSCOPY purpose is a) carry out a biopsy b) detect fissures c) detect tumors d) all or any of these Ans.

20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - DIAGNOSTIC METHODS - ABDOMINAL WALL FAT BIOPSY - purpose is to detect a) necrosis of abdominal cells b) tumors in abdomen c) amyloidosis (deposit of starchlike proteins) d) control obesity Ans.

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