Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to spare to compare the choices.
1. ABORTION - is a ___issue. a) controversial b) family c) personal d) all or any one Ans.
2. DIAGNOSTICS - CAT full form is a) computer aided tomography b) computed axial tomography c) computer aided topography d) computed axial topography Ans.
3. DIAGNOSTICS - COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) uses a) magnets b) radio waves c) x-rays d) all Ans.
4. DIAGNOSTICS - contrast dye used in CTs commonly is a) gadolinium b) iodine c) both d) none of these Ans.
5. DIAGNoSTICS - GADOLINIUM's used in MRI scans may be harmful to patients of ___disorders. a) brain b) heart c) liver d) kidney Ans.
6. DIAGNOSTICS - GADoLINIUM's utilty in MRI may be that of a) blood thinner b) dye c) catheter d) no role Ans.
7. DIAGNOSTICS - MRI does not contain a) magnets b) radio waves c) radiation d) magnets and radio waves Ans.
8. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AORTOPULMONARY WINDOW is a) acquired b) congenital c) contagious d) all or any one Ans.
9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - Aortopulmonary window is a/an a) pacemaker b) ventilator c) heart defect d) imaging tool Ans.
10. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - AORTOPULMONARY WINDOW is a ___ between aorta and pulmonary artery. a) embolism b) balloon c) dilator d) hole Ans.
11. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - ATELECTASIS is an ailment of a) brain b) pancreas c) lungs d) liver Ans.
12. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - CYANOSIS adds ___ color to body. a) red b) green c) blue d) yellow Ans.
13. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - failure of pulmonary alveoli to expand at birth may be termed as: a) atelectasis b) ectasis c) lymphangiectasis d) arteriectasis Ans.
14. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT refers to a/an ___ between left ventricle and right ventricle. a) embolism b) balloon c) dilator d) hole Ans.
15. PHARMACOLOGY - BENADRYL - finds some use as a) antidepressant b) antihistamine c) abortion-inducer d) virility drug Ans.
16. PHARMACOLOGY - BENADRYL - is the trade name of a) diphenhydramine b) chloramine c) clomipramine d) desipramine Ans.
17. PHARMACOLOGY - MIFEPRISTONE finds some use as a) virility drug b) abortion-inducer c) antidepressant d) antihistamine Ans.
18. PHYSIOLOGY - CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - LEFT CORONARY ARTERY should branch from a) aorta b) pulmonary artery c) arcurate artery d) buccal artery Ans.
19. PHYSIOLOGY - CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - PULMONARY ARTERY CARRIEs ___ blood. a) oxygen-rich b) oxygen-poor c) clotted blood d) whole blood Ans.
20. SURGICAL PROCEDURES - THERAPEUTIC MEDICAL ABORTIONS remove ___ from uterus (womb). a) fetus b) placenta c) both d) need not remove, just kill. Ans.
21. THERAPEUTICAL NON-SURGICAL MEDICAL ABORTIONS - may have to be done within ___ from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period. a) 2 weeks b) 4 weeks c) 7 weeks d) 12 weeks Ans.
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