Friday, June 29, 2012

#050 - 20 MCQ on pathophysiology - anatomy - applied therapeutics - pharmacology

Move your mouse here to see the answers, if you have no time to contemplate or meditate.

1. ANATOMY - ABDUCENT NERVE - is in a) head b) chest c) abdomen d) hips Ans.

2. ANATOMY - TRIGEMINAL NERVE - is in a) head b) chest c) abdomen d) hips Ans.

3. ANTIHELMINTHICS (capable of evacuating of parasitic intestinal worms) : a) metoclopramide b) Feosol c) carbon dichloride d) thiabendazole Ans.

4. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - ANEMIA - one probable remedy is a) metoclopramide b) Feosol c) carbon dichloride d) thiabendazole Ans.

5. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - SLOW STOMACH EMPTYING CAUSED BY DIABETES - one probable remedy is a) metoclopramide b) Feosol c) carbon dichloride d) thiabendazole Ans.

6. APPLIED THERAPEUTICS - SOTALOL - used in treating heart diseases blocks ___ channels. a) Calcium b) Iron c) Potassium d) Sodium Ans.

7. BONE FRACTURES - Bone is bent but broken on only one side: a) comminuted fracture b) greenstick fracture c) closed fracture d) impacted fracture Ans.

8. DIAGNOSTICS - SALPINGITIS - is mainly an ailment of a) neonates b) children c) men d) women Ans.

9. DIAGNOSTICS - TOUCH DISORDER - which of the following is a touch disorder? a) dyskinesia b) dysaphia c) dysarthria d) dyschezia Ans.

10. GRAVIDITY - refers to a stage of progress in ___. a) infancy b) puberty c) pregnancy d) old age Ans.

11. METOCLOPRAMIDE - may cause the problem of a) tardive dyskinesia b) dysaphia c) dysarthria d) dyschezia Ans.

12. PATHOLOGY - ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS is an ailment which affects a) brain b) chest c) abdomen d) skin Ans.

13. PHARMACOLOGY - K-Dur 20 - is the trade name of Potassium ___. a) chloride b) chlorate c) chlorite d) nitrate Ans.

14. PHARMACOLOGY - SUCCINYLCHOLINE - finds its use as a) anticoagulant b) antihistamine c) muscle relaxant d) vascodilator Ans.

15. PHYSIOLOGY - ABDUCENT NERVE - controls movement of a) eyes b) ears c) tongue d) neck Ans.

16. PHYSIOLOGY - CONSTIPATION - difficulty in defecating a) dyskinesia b) dysaphia c) dysarthria d) dyschezia Ans.

17. PHYSIOLOGY - ECLAMPSIA - is a diseased state associated with a) nascence b) puberty c) pregnancy d) old age Ans.

18. PHYSIOLOGY - SPEECH DISORDERS - which of the following is a speech disorder? a) dyskinesia b) dysaphia c) dysarthria d) dyschezia Ans.

19. PHYSIOLOGY - TRIGEMINAL NERVE - controls movement of a) eyes b) ears c) tongue d) jaws Ans.

PATHYPHYSIOLOGY - 20. SODIUM MONOURATE DEPOSITS IN JOINTS - is an important feature in a) gout b) goitre c) gonorrhea d) Grave's Disease Ans.

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