Saturday, April 28, 2012

20 MCQs on our anatomy

We must know, what our body consists of. Study of the subject 'Anatomy' helps to understand the various processes which will be continuously undergoing in our body, whether we are cognizant of them are not.
Here is a small 20 MCQ TEST based on our anatomy, which will be useful to us when we are in a clinic/hospital and the attending medical staff talk some mumbo-jumbo. Won't it be better to us to know more about our body parts, than knowing the cricket scores?

Move your mouse here, to see the answers, if you have no time.


1. AORTA - is a`blood vessel b`cavity c`gland d`sac e`a.^

2. ASYSTOLE - indicates weakening of contractile power of: a`brain b`heart c`liver d`lungs e`b.^

3. BACTEREMIA - is presence of bacteria in a`urine b`faeces c`blood d`mucas e`c.^

4. BETA BLOCKERS - are associated with a`brain b`heart c`spinne d`liver e`b.^

5. COLLOID SOLUTIONS - are a`thin b`jellylike c`evaporative d`

6. DOPA - is an amino acid secreted in a`liver b`pancreas c`brain d`kidneys e`a.^

7. EKG - is a graph which records movements in a`brain b`heart c`lungs d`kidneys e`b.^

8. EPINEPHRINE - is a`adrenalin b`anti-coagulant c`androgenic harmone d`cathartic e`a.^

9.ERYTHEAMA - may result in ___ skin. a`blue b`red c`yellow d`scaly e`b.^

10. GABA - is a`a harmone b`an amino acid c`an antigen d`waste e`b.^

11. GABA - is found in a`digestive system b`blood circulatory system c`respiratory sytem d`central nervous system e`d.^

12. HYPOTHERMIA - Not a predisposing factor a`alcoholism b`AMI c`diabetes d`old age e`a.^

13. HYPOXIA - earliest indication is : a`cyanosis b`rapid-weak pulse c`restlessness d`thirst e`c.^

14. ISCHEMIA - is a sort of a`analgesia b`anaemia c`hypoxia d`anomia e`b.^

15. JEJUNUM - is in a`pancreas b`liver c`spleen d`small intestines e`d.^

16. MEDIASTINUM - is present in a`neck b`chest c`abdomen d`pelvis e`b.^

17. PERITONEUM - is a a`membrane b`cavity c`gland d`volve e`a.^

18. PH - refers to ___ ion concentration.: a`hydrogen b`oxygen c`nitrogen d`chlorine e`a.^

19. SIDS - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, probable cause: a`overfeeding b`underfeeding c`suffocation d`unknown case e`d.^

20. VISCERA - Not a visceral organ: a`liver b`pancreas c`spine d`spleen e`c.^

Move your mouse here, to see the answers, if you have no time.


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